Monday, July 26, 2010

House renovation 101, anyone?

Well, after multiple viewings, dozens of Q & A sessions, hope that quickly faded into disappointment and dim hope that transformed into temporary optimism, we are finally homeowners.
Talk about an overwhelming process, this house-buying is. Not only did we have to make a decision on putting in the offer, but there were the decisions regarding counter-offers, bottom line price we would pay and once accepted, we had to hustle around getting a home inspection, financing, a pool inspection which was quickly followed by a new, bottom-line offer, one more counter from the vendor (which we refused) before we reached an agreement.
Our (Bless this home) new abode is truly a handymans' special. Pity neither me nor wifey were blessed with the skills of a Bob Villa, Mike Holmes or heck, I'd settle for a Tim Taylor.
The fun and games with a hammer and nails, and who knows what else, begins after possession date on Aug. 6.