Thursday, January 21, 2010

There's always something ...

Rolling with life's natural ebb and flow movement makes me wish we were living in the confines of a situation comedy where even the most trying of times can be resolved and wrapped into a neat package and seasoned with a laugh or a chuckle.
Tonight, the dinner table discussion turned to job prospects in the event one of us (more likely me) found ourselves out of work :(
While I've been somewhat diligent in keeping up a job search, it's difficult to know how I would react if I became a work casualty. My wife insists that I would (a) freak out, (b) lose it, (c)become very angry or (d) any combination of the above.
My reaction to this would be, (a) deny it, (b), dismiss it, (c) disagree with it, (d) determine my reaction ahead of time and act in a mature, responsible manner and not let it get me down.
If you picked a, b, c, or d, you might be right. By my own admission, I've never been one that adjusts well to unexpected change.

One of us is celebrating a birthday on Saturday and their spouse is still troubled because she has not bought my present yet. I'm thinking about Seasons Two and Three of The Mary Tyler Moore Show - I know, what a great, um, gift. I think it is.
Seeing that I LOVE watches, a new timepiece is a safe choice and the jury's still out on purchasing a Blu-ray player.

sigh ...

I really don't know what to ask for? How 'bout world peace?

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