Thursday, January 14, 2010

Life's unexpected turns

Our lives are like a pendlum, swaying back and forth between life and death.
I hardly want to get philisophical but anyone who has struggled with and overcome a life threatening illness can testify that those things we fret over and worry about are eons from the relationships we build and the people we meet on our journey.
Hardly a day goes by when i don't think about this, not as a morbid re-hashing of the negative side of life but instead to push away the gloomy side of my personality and to focus on all which make life worthwhile.
My wife was blessed with a sunny disposition and it shines and warms my day. I however am more the dark, storm clouds with the occasional rainshower personality. It's interesting that opposites attract in so many ways and there's a comfortable feeling in knowing this.


With the snow being vapourized by the unseasonable weather our plans for skiing have been knocked off course for now. Temperatures are supposed to chill and there's snow in the forecast next week so here's hoping.


Last night, we let our little pug, Stella, sleep with us. This isn't anything new, we've allowed it before - too many times for my liking - but like many dogs, they get restless and then manage to overtake the bed and as a result, Stella got the best sleep of any of us. She may be cute and cuddly but cute and cuddly belongs on the couch not the bed.


Looking forward to tomorrow. Vietnamese dinner with friends.

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