Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lying--the new lifestyle choice

We watched Ricky Gervais' movie, The Invention of Lying tonight. SPOILER ALERT: His character, Mark, gets the girl, Anna, played by a delightfully attractive, adorable (hot, maybe?) Jennifer Garner.
It's kind of a depressing movie that is lived in world where everyone tells the truth, sometimes painfullly so, which makes for good laughs. For example, when Mark goes on a date with Anna, she gayly tells him she's not attracted to him, he has a pig nose, he's fat and she won't be going out with him again. Mark's mother is in a seniors home where everyday she's told she's going to die, he's fired from his job and he's short on rent. Everything changes when he goes to his bank to withdraw some money.


Both of us are still on the lookout for another job, one that pays better. I applied for two last night. We'll see what happens with those.

The bottom of another of our dresser drawers fell out this week, leaving us with three out of five useable drawers. It's time to put this one to rest and look for another one. I'm tired of having a bedroom that's beginning to look like a first-year college student's room.

We checked out a house last night; was nice but with an asking price of $439,900 there are more cons than pros so we've vowed to keep looking and perhaps adjusting our search parameters.

Excited that after 12 consecutive days working, I've got Sunday off!

Also excited that a friend of mine will be helping me with getting my website started. I"ve got the general design narrowed to one of nine. Really this is something I should have done eons ago. One of the few things I don't procrastinate with is the laundry and cleaning.

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