Sunday, March 14, 2010

A day of sunshine beats four of a kind

A snoring dog curled up on my wife's lap, the soft tapping of the keyboard and the movie "The Untouchables" at low volume. Sunday night at our house.
Surpisingly, we both felt good today considering loss of the hour with daylight savings time, and more prevalent, because we were at a friend's place last night and managed to consume, beer, wine and homemade pizza until about 2 a.m. Someone decided that if we weren't going to cab it to Denny's for a grand slam breaky, second choice would be to toss together a three-cheese pizza.
Today we managed to relish in the gorgeous spring weather before a stop at Costco. Warm weather in March acts as a type of teaser because you start longing for those long, endless summer days when sunlight drenches the landscape and flip-flops become a staple article of clothing.
Speaking of flip-flops, we're back on the condo train again. After scouring the real estate guide, attending a few open houses and witnessing what a few hundred thou buys a person, condos started to become a viable option. Imagine our surprise when that lovely unit we checked out 10 months ago - the one with the park view located across the street from the lake, the one with the gym, the private entertainment rooms, the pool and hot tub - you know, THAT one?
Now that we're ready to reconsider buying, it's sold, as have two other similar units in the same complex.
So now, we're back to square one albeit a little wiser and maybe a little more open-minded. And we're still renting, helping to pay someone else's mortgage and enhancing their retirement egg nest.

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