Monday, October 4, 2010

Slip, Sliding Away and Dust in the Wind, er ... house

Sunday was one of those days which began with great anticipation, and concluded like the ending of just about any Steven Segal movie, anti-climactic and no payoff for the amount of time investmented.
We rented a couple of machines (not shown) and planned to strip the remaining layer of laminate from our kitchen and sand off the cement left from the wonderful tiles checkering the living room and hallway. After a slight delay in getting started and nearly three hours of piercing loud and horrendously dusty work, the progress was slow-going (also not shown).
Sooo, it looks like we might have to lay down subfloor before we lay our hardwood because our floor may be too uneven ... *Surprise* followed by expletive of your choice ...
I did manage to salvage the day by doing some small, tidy-up work, removing a few brackets and some wood trim from the stairway.
It was with the stairway in mind, we decided to demolish the wall that runs alongside the upstairs and divides the living room. Now, we've begun to look at railings and balusters (or, as I call 'em, "ballbusters") to replace that wall.

On Monday,I met with our electrician to discuss the plans for our lights and outlets. He had some good suggestions and, once we get the framing for the drywall completed we'll be getting wired. (nice).
If we keep chipping away we might actually be upstairs before Christmas which would be great! I know my two girls would love that, and that's what counts :)

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