*On Monday we got a second window estimate and we decided we're going to get rid of the bay window in the kitchen and replace it with a regular window, pluswe're adding a second window in the dining room area so we can overlook the backyard while we're eating. With the price of windows hopefully the view will enhance the taste of the food.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Clear House/ Clear Head
*On Monday we got a second window estimate and we decided we're going to get rid of the bay window in the kitchen and replace it with a regular window, pluswe're adding a second window in the dining room area so we can overlook the backyard while we're eating. With the price of windows hopefully the view will enhance the taste of the food.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Home wrreckerr!
As I peeled away the layers, I cursed those homeowners before us that were too lazy to take up the old laminate, including this beautiful yellow-flaked design (circa 1960's I'm guessing)
Pretty!We moved the messy and massive heap o wood scraps into the dining room so I could begin chipping away the tile from the living room (who the *#^! lays tile in the living room)? I made a lot of headway this a.m. and got the tile up throughout the LR and into the hallway so things are looking good.
Meanwhile wifey's been busy checking out kitch designs and quotes. We've got 4 quotes and we've got it narrowed down to 3. If I told you who the finalists were I'd have to kill you.
On Saturday, I've got a friend coming over with a large bin and we're going to load all of this crap and haul it to the dump. Then I can rent Eddy and tackle that floor.
I'd love to keep writing but alas, I've got a tub filled with post-dinner dishes that beckons. Tra-la-la.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Money Pit
From the Husband's prespective, I agree these "surprises" and higher-than-we'd-imagined quotes" for the work we need doing have been worrisome and more unsettling than anticipated. It's easy to let it weigh you down especially when our dream of moving upstairs by Christmas has rapidly begun to slip away. Now we're looking ahead to 2011. Cheers!
I'm trying hard to keep a positive perspective in spite of the obstacles in our path and I'm hoping that we'll be able to do some of the work ourselves, be patient, do what we can afford, and just trust that in the words of a well-known red neck name Larry, we'll be able to "git 'er done."
On a more happy note, check out the pictures our pretty new washer and dryer!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
What better way to celebrate an anniversary?
Sarah's mom, dad, brother, his fiance and their little guy, Ty came to visit us for our "special day" on Monday.
As we were giving the two-bit tour of the house and the kitchen area, a couple of people took a detour to pick up a sledgehammer and chip off the remaining tile from the fireplace. Boys and their toys!
Following a celebratory lunch at a faraway location we were back at the homestead for a nice, fat chunk of cake (carrot) :) The rest of the day was spent hooking up and playing with (yes, playing) our new washer and dryer. Although it was an unplanned purchase, imagine the novelty of a washing machine that plays the theme from Beverly Hills Cop (think Axel F) theme at the conclusion of its cycle. I don't think we were ever more excited to do laundry.